Advocacy is Key in TB Prevention and Control – DPS Taal

Friday, February 22, 2008

The National Tuberculosis Control Programme, in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Foundation (KNCV), recently concluded a three-day workshop on advocacy, communication and social mobalisation strategies for stakeholders at the Paradise Beach Hotel.

Speaking at the occasion Alh. Amadou Taal, Deputy Permanent Secretary Department of State for Health, said the aim of the workshop was to inform and empower stakeholders in the areas of advocacy, communication and social mobalisation strategies in the control of TB.

He stated that advocacy communication and social mobalisation strategies create a greater social commitment and support behavioural change. This ensures access to treatment and care for all, particularly the poor, vulnerable and hard to reach sectors of the population.

Mr. Taal noted that TB diagnosis and treatment is offered free of charge in The Gambia.

For his part, the Manager of the National Tuberculosis Control Programme said there has been an impressive rise in the level of awareness about TB in The Gambia. This, he said, can be partially attributed to the media and the work of various advocacy groups which have been taking the key message out to the villages.

Mr. Jallow added that while there is a general awareness about TB, specific aspects like adherence to treatment are still unknown to large sections of the population. Mr. Jallow said that advocacy, communication and social mobalisation activities are a means to an end and not an end in themselves.

In this way, he concluded, they contribute towards the achievement of the objectives and goals of the National TB Control Programme.

Author: By Pa Modou Faal
Source: The Point