Nigerians Pitch a Permanent Tent

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

With the presence of thousands of Nigerians that have come, gone and continue to sojourn in The Gambia, their High Commission has finally pitched their Nigerian House in the heart of the country. The Nigerian High Commissioner in the company of dignitaries from all walks of life converged at their new site to lay the foundation stone of their Nigerian House on the Coastal Road nearly opposite the new Abiding Word Church close to the International Stadium. The occasion attracted a representative from the office of the Secretary of State for External Affairs, and many others. The position of the Nigerian House attracted a lot of people and commended it.  Let us now find out the position of the Acting High Commissioner whose effort in bringing together Nigerians is picking momentum thus the implementation of the plan for the Nigerian House.

Due to integration by ECOWAS and the long standing friendship and colonial ties between Nigeria and The Gambia, many Nigerians and Gambians have long been free to go out and live or educate themselves in Nigeria and Nigerians too like other African nationals have turned Gambia to their second home. For many a Nigerian, they believe the tie between the two countries would be a long lasting one thus the creation of a permanent structure to show how permanent they will be in the country. The government had seen the need for a permanent structure they were quick to offer land to the Nigerians on the Kairaba Avenue and another place but the Nigerian High Commission was not yet ready to build their structure. They have now shown their willingness to start up their Nigerian House to serve the needs of all Nigerians and others that would love to get into business, politics and others as the House would contain all departments as their local governments.

The  House, according to some Nigerians is long over due as their country sends a lot of Technical Aid to the country and a lot of other Nigerians of different caliber keep coming to the country to either assist or do business. They believe their countrymen will keep coming and the Nigerian House would be a good meeting point for them as the one at Bakau has been.

His Excellency Obase B. Okongor, the Acting High Commissioner of the Nigerian High Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, said the building of the Nigerian House came about because Nigeria had had a long standing diplomatic relations with The Gambia since 1960 and in 1963 and 1965. At Independent they had already established strong relationships. “The government gave us a place to build at the Kairaba Avenue and another but did not make use of them except this time round they have started building. Come February, the place would be changed.” Asking why the structure, His Excellency Okongor said “We are trying to make our country proud by doing what we are doing.”

He said the benefits are enormous. “When we build a house one lives there forever. We have belief in The Gambia government. We talk of integration, it will give a stronger relationship and people will know that Nigerians are here to stay.” 

They are formulating different sections in their High Commission in the like of their Local Governments in Nigeria. It would have trade section, politics and others all only to meet the needs of people. “What the Federal Government does is a similar thing.”  He said they have a lot of Gambians working with them.

Asking why it was only now that the work was been done, he said everything has a season and they should accept that it has been done now. “It’s because faith has bestowed it on me to carry out the job.”

It’s symbolic that our presence here symbolises that Nigeria intends to make her presence felt everywhere. It sybolises our readiness and determination to serve and we are ready to serve.

Momodou S. Njie one of the Permanent Secretaries at the Foreign Affairs, represented the SoS for Foreign Affairs, with Senegal Ambassador, Sierra Leone High Commissioner and the Guinea Bissau Ambassador laying the Corner Stone. Other dignitaries from the Nigerian community in the Gambia including members of the public and pastors from different Nigerian led churches were present.

As the Gambia government saw the need for Nigerians to have free movement in The Gambia, they were freed from paying Alien Card only to pay for their residential permits. This further created the chance for Nigerians to see themselves as part of The Gambia. The building of the Nigerian House to help with the affairs of their citizens have been hailed by many a Nigerian living in the country. According to Desmond Okafor a businessman, the House is a symbol of Nigeria’s commitment to serving humanity. This is the reason they call Nigeria “Big Brother Nigeria.”  It is with no doubt that our many Technical Aid Corps come to the country. This has steadily deepened our relationship as they work in many facets of the community.” Peter O. G a mechanic said God made Nigeria to be the head and that is executed in all the places they go to. They make their presence felt as they land. The pitching of the Nigerian House would let others know that we are part of the land and part of the Gambian society because a house is there to stay and not to go. Our children’s children will come and use it; Nigerian presence would still be felt.

Talking to Abba A. S. Gibba, a journalist with the Point Newspaper said he was impressed with the action by the government for providing land and for Nigerians to put up a structure that will show that they are here to stay as good and everlasting friends. The house would also add to Gambia’s infrastructure development.” He also said Nigerians have been productive in the society and thinks the House would be a structure that will help all nationals not only Gambians. Baboucarr Senghore, another young journalist says, “This move by the Nigerian High Commission, many believe, will further strengthen the cordial relationship that already exists between the Gambia and Nigeria and thus contributes towards nation building.” 

Source: The Point