Stop the abuse!

Thursday, March 13, 2008
The infamous ‘child kidnapping’ incident in Chad reminds one of the unfortunate demonizing status our beloved continent faces in the minds of Europeans. This malaise has been practiced as a tradition by Europeans, that Africans are just ‘specimens’ in an African Laboratory. Apparently, it is evident from related events that Africans are the most vulnerable humans in the world despite the prevalence of the UN Charter on human rights. Think of the controversial adoption of Baby David Banda by the celebrity, Madonna.

Or do we call it kidnapping? - as that development received so much opposition that if it were not for the weakness of that country’s adoption laws, it wouldn’t have gone through. Thank God those Malawian law makers are seriously considering that part of their law.

There can be no justification for the way those innocent infant Chadians were captured, even if it is for humanitarian assistance, without political and legal rights from the government of Chad. A deliberate attempt to disregard the authorities and the right of Africans contrary to the way children in Europe are adopted signifies the trend Africa has gone through for many years.

Centuries ago, Africans were captured live by Europeans such as the Englishman John Hopkins (later “Sir” for his slave capturing efforts!) from Africa and sold as slaves to develop America and Europe. Thereafter, there was the scramble and partition of Africa among Europeans that left the legacy of disunity among Africans in so called Anglophone and Francophone countries.

Despite ‘independence’ from European countries, Africa was subjected to a devastating era of political and economic exploitation. Alas, we are experiencing Neo-Slavery from the descendants of the ancestors who captured our fore-fathers and made them slaves. (Slavery now to World bank and IMF amongst other insidious measures).

There are many similar instances to demonstrate the ‘lesser human’ theory of so called philanthropists from Europe in particular and the West in general.

In another scenario, a shipload of toxic waste from France was disposed of in Ivory Coast. This act, aided by enemies of the black race, left many Ivorians dead and sick. None of these actions are allowed to befall even a rat in Europe. Why are they done in Africa?

As Newton’s third law of motion states: ‘to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’; the cumulative actions of abuse by European individuals on Africans in any part of the world will have equal responses and MUST STOP NOW.

Author: DO