Wilma Nursery School Handed Over to Sotokoi Community

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wilma Nursery School, which was constructed by a Dutch Philanthropist Wilma Huisman, has been handed over to the community. The completion of building was accomplished recently.

Speaking at the handing over ceremony the project coordinator in The Gambia, Mr. Ebou Jammeh, explained that Sotokoi Nursery School was founded in 1999. Until that point students were taught under a tree. He noted that later the community of Sotokoi decided to construct a mud house where the students could learn.

He revealed that in 2000 Wilma Huisman intervened and promised to give a helping hand through him as project coordinator. He added that the community participated fully in the construction of the building. He stated that luckily their dreams became reality. Mr. Jammeh then used the opportunity to urge the community to send more children to the school. He noted that children are the future leaders of tomorrow.

For his part, the Alkalo of the village, Mr. Samsa Sowe, expressed appreciation for the handing over of Wilma Nursery School to his community. He then noted that it is their collective responsibility to see that the school runs smoothly. He thanked the sponsor for providing them with quality education on their doorstep. Mr. Sowe further thanked the coordinator of the project Mr. Jammeh describing him as a patriotic citizen. He further assured the sponsor that their relationship will continue to go from strength to strength.

Author: By Abdou Rahman Sallah & A. Mokeh
Source: The Point