French strip cartoon exhibition at AFG

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
An exhibition started at the Alliance Franco-Gambienne (AFG). From March 20 to April 15, 2008. The event features over some 7000 plays that make up originals collections of the international city of the strip cartoon and of Angoulême images.

‘‘We have chosen to edit 35 boards, offered to delight the public,’’ explained Pascal Rezzouk Director of AFG.

Centred on the theme ‘‘A Century of the French Strip Cartoon,’’ the exhibition highlights some of the important steps of an Art’s history that earns a particular reputation in France, in Europe and in the world undoubtedly.

‘‘From Caran d’Ache, a modern amazing practitioner of wordless story to Nicolas de Crécy, who is an impressive in technics mastery, it’s a century of French creation and Belgian, portrayed before you,’’ he indicated.

According to the Director of AFG, Belgian specialists of the strip cartoon, that gave pleasure to young French readers of the fifties and sixties; the tremendous vitality of French creators who in the shade of Astérix success, revolutionised in the sixties the way of relating histories; the recent holders of a strip cartoon of privacy; those that in an post modern approach, revisit with irony classical works of the past…

These artworks have been for a long time unceremoniously treated during a period when it was customary to recycle, even destroy them. A careful visitor will notice technical indicators footmarks in margin; or else enlightened on a blue pencil.

Author: by Abdoulie John