Little Jainaba operation successful

Friday, April 11, 2008
Following the successful operation of her swollen eye last Thursday, reports reaching the Daily Observer from Dakar hospital has it that, the operation of Little Jainaba’s other eye is on the agenda.

In an interview with the Daily Observer , Andrew DaCosta, a trustee to Little Jainaba’s account who also double as the DMD of the Daily Observer company said “ I spoke to Emily Ben one of the medical assistance to the professor treating Jainaba on the phone on Wednesday and she said Jainaba is responding to treatment. She added that , they want to have a look at the other eye of Jainaba and may want to operate on it as soon as she heals from her first operation”.

Little Jainaba’s excited mother Isatou Barry, who is currently with her daughter at the Dakar hospital confirmed that Jainaba is doing well. She again thanked all those who contributed both financially and morally to the welfare of her daughter’s turmor treatment. She also asked for prayers from all and sundry for a successful completion of her daughter’s turmor treatment.

Author: by Lamin M Dibba