‘Electrification a capital intensive venture’

Friday, April 11, 2008
‘Electrification is a capital intensive venture and the government of The Gambia is genuinely interested in the electrification of the entire nation, but it must be understood that this has to be done in phases due to resource constrains’.

These was revealed by Dr Aja Isatou Njie-Saidy, Vice President and secretary of state for Women’s Affairs before the National Assembly on behalf of President Yahya Jammeh who is also the secretary of state for Petroleum and Energy, following questions by certain members on when the Rural Electrification Programme will reach certain parts of their areas.

She also categorically made it clear that several areas will be considered in the next phase but eligibility of any particular settlement for electrification extention is dependent on the fulfilment of the set criteria which among other thing, is to be found technically feasible and viable.

Wuli West-Basse

Asked by Honourable Bekai Camara, NAM for Wuli West to explain when the second phase programme which is supposed to cover Wuli West and Sandu will commence, VP Njie-Saidy said they are not in the position presently to say as to when specifically the second phase of the programme is going to commence as the necessary resources, which the government of The Gambia is vigorously looking for, have to be available first.

Beside this however, Vice President Njie Saidy clearly stated that the eligibility of any particular settlement for electrification is dependent on the fulfillment of the set criteria that is it has to be found to be technically feasible, economically and financially viable and hence the electrification of the mentioned settlements are to be considered together with others in the subsequent phases.

Jarra Central

On the extention of the programme to Jarra Central as the first programme covered most of the villages within Lower River Region, VP Njie-Saidy stated that Jarra Central will be considered in the subsequent phases of the programme and the settlements found to be technically feasible, economically and financially viable will be electrified but as mentioned earlier but quickly noted that no specific date for the can be announced for the start of the project.


Asked to reveal the plans for the extention of electricity supply to Suduwol, Lamoi, Keneba, Jawo Kunda, Chemanbugu Gidda, Tallinding and Sabikalilu villages in Kantora, VP Njie-Saidy explained that the mentioned villages will be considered in the subsequent phases and those that fulfill the set criteria will be electrified. She urged members to recalled that the government of The Gambia is genuinely interested in the electrification of the entire nation but it must be understood that this has to be done in phases due to resource constrains.  


About the Petroleum and Energy department’s plan under the Rural Electrification Programme to extend it to major villages like Sami-Pachoki, Karantaba, Kunting and Jarumeh Koto villages, she observed that, as intimated earlier, the mentioned villages will be considered in the subsequent phases and those that fulfill the set criteria will be electrified noting that the mentioned villages will not be treated in isolation.

Damage sewage mannhole covers in Banjul

On the broken cover of some of the sewage manholes in the streets of Banjul (Clarkson, Leman, Blanc, Fitzerald and Hill streets) which pose a serious threat to acidents as some are not easily noticeable at night, VP Njie-Saidy said the department of state is aware of the damages and noted that Nawec has already replaced some but still has about 10 more manholes to be completed. She added that Nawec has contracted the foundry of The Gambia Technical Training Institute to manufacture 50 number sewer manhole covers to allow for spares for future use.

The GTTI according to her, have already manufactured the frames and are embarking on the manufacture of the actual covers themselves.

Author: by Alhagie Jobe