Food Crisis: a global problem "Let’s go back to the land"

Friday, May 9, 2008

Can you please allow me space in your widely read newspaper to express my concern over the current global food crisis faced by many countries in the world?

According to reports, especially those featured by the Western media, this recent global food crisis could affect many nation, especially those in the developing world, who surely depend on Chines or Indian imported rice and other food stuffs imported from other Western countries.

It could be re-called that when President Jammeh took over as President of this great country of ours, his first campaign slogans were: "power to the people" and "back to the Land" calls, which he said were the only way to make our dear country self reliant and to attain food self sufficiency. Many thought he was joking. But look at the current situation the world is facing.

Nonetheless, The Gambia is a small country, and I am confident that if we respond positively to his call together we can make The Gambia a food self-sufficient nation.

Our President is an exemplary leader as he is one of the leading farmers in the country today. Also, Global food crisis will affect many nations in the developing world because their citizens don’t want to work on the farm but instead always dream of finding greener pasture abroad.

It is said youths are the future leaders of every nation.  Africa, in recent years, has witnessed a rapid migration of people, especially the youths. These people migrate to the West with the intention of making money and changing their life situation. But this has a negative impact on there respective countries of origin.  Therefore, it is high time for people to adopt the President’s clarion call of back to the land and make our country a food self-sufficient nation.

Borry Njie


Author: DO