Gambian coaches introduced to Futsal football

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dozens of Gambian football coaches are currently undergoing a two-day training course centered on  a small-sided football game called futsal.

The game, which is yet to be played in the country is  a five-a-side football game that is recognised and supported by FIFA and UEFA with World and European Championships for club and National teams. Six British instructors are currently in the country introducing the game to Gambian football coaches drawn from divisional and regional clubs.

Paul Whatmough, one of the instructors told Observer Sports that they are in the country to introduce the game which allows a different style of play with less physics.

“We are training coaches with the basic rules and tactics of the game and we expect them to train other Gambians.”

“We’ve developed a five-year strategic plan to ensure that Gambian coaches are fully trained. We are very happy with the level of determination from the Gambian people and the cordial cooperation of the Gambia Football Association,” he said.

The name 'Futsal' simply combines the Spanish words for ‘Hall’ – Sala and ‘Football’ – Futbol into Futsal. It is a five-a-side game, played with hockey sized goals and a smaller ball with a reduced bounce.

As a small-sided game, players are constantly placed in situations where they must receive or play whilst under pressure or in confined spaces and it places considerable demand on technique, movement, tactical awareness and fitness.

Author: by Nanama Keita