WHAT’S ON: MLK set to boost his musical promos

Friday, July 25, 2008
Martin Luther King aka Mr "Do Deh Ham", The Gambia's indisputable up-coming music composer, writer, singer and instrumental programmer is now set to boost with his musical promos after being in undercover for almost 10 years.

He is another sprouting Hip-Hop talent who has the potential to make it in the international music scene. He is well known for his hot stage appearance which earned more fans among the youth folks. In most of his shows, his versatile skills together with his hardcore voice is just great.

His career in music dates back as far as his primary school days not as a singer, but as an instrument player before learning how to sing. At the age of 13, he joined a live band playing the flute and drums and while going to Junior and High Schools. MLK was also a member of the famous Gambia National Scout Band for sometime.

According to Onegambia.com, Martin is now a diploma holder in Business Information Technology (HND). He graduated from Gambia Senior Secondary School in 2003 after which he enrolled at the International Business College (2006) where he obtained his diploma.

He later took the A+ Computer course at the QuantumNet Institute of Technology. He is now employed as an IT Analyst and Assistant Control Manager at the FIG Bureau De Change Ltd. He has only released a very few of his numerous tracks in the past 3 years some of which are often played in radio stations in the country including Like Black Youth Man , Hello Mamia and “DO DEH HAM” which became a hit all over the country in less than a month. MLK's video clip of "HELLO MAMIA" a special song he made for his beloved mother Joanna Joof, which also featured one of the best actresses in The Gambia, Amie Cherry, won the Hop-Hop Song of the year at the Gambian Talents Award 2008 launch at Jama Hall.

The young star is a rap genius, as his creativity and the way he artistically weaves his lyrics has made him stand out of the bigger crowd. He has a unique style of blending African local instruments with modern ones topping it with messages of his name sake, Martin Luther King. Such songs of liberty have portrayed him as a true African and a proud son of the Smiling Coast . Many people are eager to see - Martin Luther King’s album" after hearing the smash boom track “DO DEH HAM” .

The boy is working hard on his first album which is expected out soon in the market.

Author: by Sheriff Janko