Assault lands man in remand

Friday, July 25, 2008
One Amadou Njie, a resident of Churchill’s Town in Serrekunda was recently detained at the Remand Wing at the State Central
Prison, Mile II, after pleading not guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm to one Hadim Baldeh .

Mr Njie who is alleged to be a tourist guide, recently opened his defence before Senior Magistrate Abdoulie Mbacke of the Kanifing Magistrate Court.

In his testimony, the accused said on the day in question, he was on his way to sell his tape recorder at Serrekunda Market where he met up with Hadim Baldeh.

"The complainant told me that the CD cassette was produced by his elder brother and he wanted to know where I got the CD from. He first asked me whether I was going to sell it or not, to which I replied in the negative. He then demanded the CD from me and I declined," he said.

Mr Njie further told the court that the complainant wanted to know the origin of the cassette noting that he emphatically told the complainant he was not going to surrender the cassette to him.

"I told him we will take the matter to the police, but he (the complainant) insisted that he would take the CD from me. So there was a push and pull and the complainant fell down as he tried to take the CD from me. People came to the scene and enquired what was the matter," he said.

He added that the matter was then reported to the Serrekunda police Station.

During cross examination, Mr Njie maintained that the accused sustained injuries on his face as he attempted to take the CD but not as a result of a blow to his face by him. However, he was quick to point out that it was the tape recorder he was selling and not the CD.

The case was then adjourned to August 5th for judgement, as the accused had no witness to call.

Author: by Sheriff Janko & Ebrima Kanuteh