Alleged Shop Breaker Nabbed by Vigilant Night Watchman

Friday, March 13, 2009

One Momodou Alpha Jallow of Farato village on 11th March 2009 appeared before Magistrate Kayode at the Brikama Magistrates’ Court charged with attempting to commit a felony contrary to section 325 of the criminal code cap 10 Vol III laws of The Gambia.

According to the particulars of the offence on or about the 7th March 2009 at Farato village, Kombo North, the accused Momodou Alpha Jallow was alleged to have committed a felony intending to steal and thereby committed an offence. He denied the charge.

According to PW1 Modou Jallow, he was sleeping in his house at around 3-4a.m when he heard someone shouting “thief”. “I reduced the volume of my radio to know who the person was,” he added. He said he went out and saw the watchman holding the accused person whom he alleged wanted to break the shop. He said he handcuffed the accused and escorted him to the shop.

He told the court that he searched the accused and found the scissors inside his pants and later took him to the Brikama police station where he gave his statement.

Meanwhile the accused was granted court bail in the sum of D5, 000 with a Gambian surety.

The case was adjourned to 14th March 2009.

Author: Binta Fatty & Yai Dibba