Youth Convicted for Stealing and Shop Breaking

Friday, March 13, 2009

Following his own plea of guilty for shop breaking and stealing, one Ensa Jarju was on Thursday 12th March 2009 convicted and sentenced to nine months imprisonment with hard labour on both counts and the sentence is to run concurrently.

This was the verdict of the presiding Magistrate, Abdoulie Mbake, of the Kanifing Magistrates’ court after reading a lengthy judgement.

In his plea of mitigation, the convict Ensa Jarju, asked the court for forgiveness saying that he was a young man.

For his part Magistrate Mbake informed the court that the convict deserves some form of punishment to serve as deterrent to others. He said the convict is a habitual criminal and therefore should turn a new leaf, adding that criminality is not a good habit especially for a young man like Ensa himself.

He finally advised him to change his life and look forward for a better one

Author: Sainey M.K. Marenah