Baby needs help

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Abdoulie Gibba, a one month old baby from Chewed village, Foni Jarrol, is currently in need of financial assistance for overseas medical treatment.

Gibba, who was admitted at RVTH just 6 days after his birth, is diagnosed with a bulging anterior fontanelle, according to RVTH medical report. The report also stated that his mother attended antenatal clinic for several times and took fefa from 6 months gestation.  The report also indicated that there is no family history of neural tube defect.

The medical report added that a surgical repair of the meningocele was undertaken for 12 days of life, and he made an uneventful post operative recovery, but the head circumference increased rapidly after the surgery. There is good tone and movement in both legs and both hips are stable.  

Anyone who wishes to help can contact Hon. Borry Kolley and Sainey Gibba on: 9942765, 6642765, 5620749, 9893210, 6412784

Author: by Bekai Njie