Gamworks officials tour CRR project sites

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Gamworks officials last Friday visited Kaur and Wassu in the Central River Region, where they proposed to construct twenty canteens.

The purpose of their visit was to identify the sites and discuss with the communities the proposed project.  The construction of the canteens was sponsored by Kuntaur Area Council and paid four hundred and eighty thousand dalasis, as part of their complementary efforts to Gamworks’.

The Executive Secretary of GALGA, Mustapha Njie, said the purpose of their tour was for the consultant to survey the area before works begin. According to him, t eir target is to finish the work in the area before the July 22 celebration. Kebba Drammeh, the chief executive officer of Kuntaur Area Council said his council is the smallest earning council but has paid over four hundred thousand dalasis to Gamwork as part of their counterpart contribution for the contribution of the twenty canteens in Kaur and wassu. He said the cost of the project is about five million dalasis.

Mamat Mbye, the chairman of Kuntaur Area Council  commended Gamworks and the central government for creating an enabling environment for his council to help mitigate the growing demand for the provision of more services and infrastructural development for tax payers. He revealed that his council has also identified five other projects to sponsored in the area.

Author: by Lamin SM Jawo in Janjangbureh