Bravo Baby Scorpions

Monday, April 20, 2009

I just can’t get over the fact that the Baby Scorpions of The Gambia have done it again, and this time they did it in style, beating the host in a hostile environment with discipline. It is a pride to be a Gambian and to see  the victory all over BBC on the African football page. The headline ‘Gambia are the U-17 champions of Africa’ made me even happier. I am also happy to say I saw nearly all the matches on the Algerian channel through satellite, having taken time off from work.

I am also glad about the gesture of the president and the entire country for their support of these national treasures, the future soccer ambassadors of The Gambia - just like their predecessors, the former U-17, did in 2005 - almost all of whom are playing their trade in the European leagues.

I will conclude by saying ‘thank you’ to the president and every Gambian whose contribution made this a successful campaign and helped bring the trophy home. Please, Baby Scorpions, maintain the discipline and keep the Gambian flag flying high, and you will achive more than the D1,000,000 you just received from the president.

INSHALLAH, we, the rest of the citizens, will give you our last dime if it is necessary to keep the momentum going. ALSAMADEH

Author: By Omar Jallow, Raleigh, NC