Gambia Volleyball Association to Settle Matters Tomorrow

Friday, March 6, 2009

All is set for the Gambia Volleyball Congress which has been rescheduled for the second time owing to a disagreement by delegates on the financial statement presented to the body during last month’s congress.

This Saturday at Olympic House, delegates from Betterness, UTG, Interior male and female teams and Jeshwang, will hear for the second time, the report of the financial officer which according to them was not prepared correctly the first time.

During Saturday’s election another executive committee is expected to be elected to run the affairs of volleyball for the next four years.

Musa Cassa Taal who led the association for the past four years told Pointsport that the financial statement has been reviewed and all the corrections done on the issues raised during the last meeting.

“The report will be re-presented tomorrow to the general body and will also clarify certain assets of the associations like nets and balls, to the general body.

It will be recalled that March 7th, 2009, was selected as the date for the congress by delegates to give chance to the outgoing executive to review the financial report which will be presented to the body for approval of the congress.

Author: Sainabou Kujabi