LK school warms-up for inter-house sports fiesta

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The pupils and staff of Latri Kunda Upper Basic School will on Friday, February 20, converge at the Independence Stadium, Bakau, to observe their annual inter-house sports fiesta.

In the build up to the event, the six houses (Touray House, Allen House, Badjie House, Cabral House, Molloh House and Kromah House) housed in the popular school have been holding an intensive training sessions at the school ground located on Kairaba Avenue.

The training is meant to help the houses to identify and test the ability of their athletes who will compete in the various field and track events. One house that wants to make a difference in this year’s event is Touray House, which  finished at the bottom last year.

According to Mrs Jobe, a member of the house, the impressive performances of her athletes during their practice have  shown that the house is ready sweep every medal that comes their way in February 20 finals, which will also help prepare the school for the upcoming inter-schools athletics championship to be staged later in the year.

Author: By Nanama Keita