African culture in retrospect

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

There is no society without culture and, consequently, without civilization. Man’s understanding of his culture together with his moral and physical capabilities makes him master nature.

Culture does not merely refer to the art of singing and dancing. It entails the totality of the way of life of a people. The notion that Africa does not have a culture, or that its culture is barbaric and hence impedes development, is nothing but an imperial propaganda to paint a picture of Africa at war with itself. This misguided ideology has resulted to the continuous drainage of African cultural values to alien influences.

Africans disowned themselves, and anything African, as we are indoctrinated with the concept that anything that originates from Africa is back ward and sub-standard. People have to be aware that culture is not static, it is dynamic. As the human society evolves, the people’s capacity to think expands hence culture evolves alongside.  This is the reality for African culture.

As Africans we have to uphold the principles and values of our culture as neither superior nor inferior to other cultures, and apply them based on our existing social realities. It is through this way that we can produce social change and development. We are grateful to President Jammeh, regardless of his status, for breaking the ice and venturing into herbal healing which is an indigenous African art.

This has not only proven that he is a champion of the Africanism he preaches, but also he has manifested the highest sense of African identity.  This goes a long way to show to the world that when the African is given a chance he can prove that he is somebody.

However, Africans have to accept that we are a people with a way of life. Cultural ethnocentrism is a wishful thinking.  We should cease from criticising our values to the advantage of alien ideologies. How can one love themselves and hate their origin?  History has proven that Africans have contributed and are contributing to the advancement of humanity.

We must be proud of being Africans and associated with Africa. This we cannot do if we continue to reject our culture as inferior to other cultures.

Author: DO