New ambulance for Kuntaur Health Center

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Go for African Foundation, recently donated a land  Rover ambulance to Kuntar Health Centre in Niani district, Central River Region North.

Gibril Sanneh, the officer-in-change of the health centre, spoke at length on the numerous assistance the health centre  has been benefiting from this foundation, noting that sometime ago, the same foundation has donated some medicament to the health centre. While thanking them for the gesture, he assured them that the ambulance will be wisely utilised and its upkeep will be properly maintained.

The district chief, Pierre Bah, commended Go for Africa Foundation for their humanitarian assistance, adding that this will go a long way in complementing government efforts in providing mobility in  the health sector. He said government alone cannot do all and called on other philanthropists and individual to emulate Go for Africa Foundation.

Mr Rudger who spoke on behalf of the foundation, called on the beneficiaries to make best use of the ambulance and for its proper upkeep. He said the aim of their foundation is to assist the needy and donating the ambulance to the health centre, will go a long way in assisting them.

Author: by Lamin Jawo in Janjangbureh