Nine-Year-Old Heart Patient Needs Urgent Help

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A nine-year-old girl suffering from heart complication has been diagnosed by the RVTH to be in dire need of urgent overseas operation.

Ella Sanyang, a Grade 3 pupil at the St. Charles Lwanga Lower Basic School is currently suffering from a heart problem that puts her life at risk. The pupil, according to her class teacher, “is promising because she is quite clever”.

According to a medical report signed by Dr. Odalis Murias of the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital, the patient is currently suffering from a history of cardiovascular disease (Rheumatic valvular Disease.)

“This young girl presents with recurrent cough, easy fatigability and shortness of breath. These symptoms have been recurrent since birth. She was admitted because she had recurrent sore throat,” the report stated. 

The report further indicated that on physical examination, “the Mucous was not pale. The Respiratory system was RR20. The Cardiovascular system: HS: S2 with apical pensystolic murmur grade 3/6 radiating to the axilla and the abdomen was normal. The Chest x-ray (9th/6/09): Clear lung, fields with cardiothoracic ration of 0.55. Cardiac USS (9th/6/09): Mild prolapsed anterior leaflet of mitral valve”.

She is said to be on monthly “Benzatin Penicillin:IM”

Dr. Odalis Murias, therefore, diagnosed: Mild prolapsed anterior leaflet of mitral valve.

“I will be grateful if you take this patient under your care for further management and treatment as it is not possible in The Gambia,” he stated.

Madam Bertha Manga, Ella’s mum in a passionate plea for her daughter’s life says, “I have many children and I find it difficult. Ella is a twin and she has been finding life difficult with the ailment. We are not earning money how can we pay for her treatment overseas?

She therefore solicited assistance from President Yahya Jammeh and philanthropists to help improve the condition of her daughter.

Ella’s family can be reached on the following numbers: 9310840 or 9823991 or the Point Newspaper, Bakau.

Author: Manlafie Badjie