The Plight Of Visually Impaired

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Gambia last Thursday October 15th 2009 joined the rest of the world in commemorating World White Cane Day.

The day is meant to enlighten motorists, pedestrians and the public on the importance of white cane to the blind person.

As we observe the day, we should change our attitude towards the blind people, and give them all the necessary support they deserve in society.

The need to empower the blind people is very important, especially at the time when we have massive flow of traffic in every part of the country.

We finally believe that if fully empowered, the visually impaired can equally contribute to nation-building.

Our drivers, in particular must understand the plight of our blind people. It’s pathetic that some of them are seen stranded on the road sides without being given adequate attention by drivers.

The act is unacceptable and must stop. Our drivers must desist from such behaviours.

These people are equally human beings and therefore need equal treatment.

The white cane often use by blind people make traveling easier for them. We should therefore respect the cane as it gives them the sense of direction.

Some blind persons are sometimes found to be more productive than normal people. Therefore, when such people are supported they can bring rapid development in society.