One year jail term for sureties

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
On Tuesday 31 March, two men started to serve their one year imprisonment at the State Central Prison (Mile 2), after they were unable to produce an accused person that they had earlier on stood for as sureties.

Dura Jallow and Ismaela Jallow signed a bail bond of D100,000 at the Police Station in Brikama for one Ousman Jallow who was accused of obtaining money by false pretence. In his submission before Magistrate Kayode of the Brikama Magistrates Court, Sergeant Samura applied to the court for the sureties to forfeit their bail bond to the state.

Prior to this, the magistrates had given them a grace period of one week to produce the accused person or pay the amount involved but they had failed to do so.

Author: by Modou Kanteh