Re-Banking times

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kindly allow me space in your widely read newspaper to thank the government of the Gambia and the Central Bank for their effort in instituting the new working hours, an issue Fatoumatta Janneh of Brufut, complained about.

As a wife and also a mother, I think that my colleagues and my humble self have gone through a lot of stress and inconvenience in our family lives. When we wake up in the morning for work, our kids are sleeping, when we go back home at night, sometimes around 10pm or late, they have gone to bed. Those odd working times and hours had caused marital problems in many homes, not to talk of having time for your kids to help them in their studies.

We never complained, but patiently waited for this decision, which is from God, for he sees and knows all things. Please, Fatou, don’t be self-centred, if you were in our shoes during those moments you will not complain.

Reflect on our experiences and the answer is for you. Are bankers not human beings?  Congratulate us for having time with our families rather than condemn the new working hours. For your convenience, all banks have Tams, just ask for a card and transact all what you need. Long live the government of the Gambia - long live the Central Bank.

Author: By Concerned Banker