St. Joseph’s SSS bids farewell to Adel Sock

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The  Board of  Governors, Parent  Teachers  Association, staff  and  pupils  of  Saint  Joseph’s  Senior  Secondary  School  in  a  very touching  and emotionally charged ceremony,  bade  farewell  to Mrs Adel  Sock  as she  calls it quit,  after  thirty-  five long  years of dedicated, loyal  and  committed  service  to  the  school.

According to many, Madam Sock rose from different ranks- art teacher  to head  of  Arts  department  to  vice  principal, acting  principal  while  the  principal was  away  on  a year’s  sabbatical leave  in  the  2007- 2008 academic  year.

The sentiments  expressed  by  the  chairperson  of  the  occasion, the  principal  and head-  girl  were  so  full  of  emotion  that many  shed  tears  especially  when  the  farewell  song  composed  for  her  was  sang  by  the school  choir  whom  she  described  as  the  best  school  choir  in The  Gambia.

As  a person,  Adel  was  described as  pleasant,  charismatic, tolerant, honest, humble  and  humourous and would  be  missed  for her  dedication  to  duty, openness  and  willingness  to listen to  others  and  to  share her  knowledge, skill and  experience. As  a  teacher,  Adel  was  firm  but  pleasant.

On  her part,  Adel  Sock,  as  she is popularly  called,  expressed  gratitude  to  her  in-laws, friends  and  colleagues  for  their  invaluable  support. “My  joy  as  a teacher is  to see my  past pupils in  situations  to be proud  of” she said, citing  some members of  staff  she  taught  at  the  school as examples.

As  a  token  of  appreciation  and  gratitude  for her  invaluable  service  and indefatigable  contribution towards  the  growth  and  development  of  the  school, Mrs Sock  was  presented  with  a  chest  deep  freezer. The occasion  ended  with  music  and  dance.

Author: DO