Tribute to the late Alhaji Momadou Baboucar Njie

Thursday, March 19, 2009
"To Allah we belong and truly, to him we shall return" [The holy Quran, Chapter 2 verse 156]

The news of Momodou Baboucarr Njie’s death was received with shock, sadness and profound sorrow.  Njie Doudu’s demise left all of us absolutely devastated. From cradle to maturity, and now in death, Njie Doudu has been and will remain an icon to all who knew him.

As tributes continue to pour in from all over the world by those who have known and worked with him, I feel it pertinent and instructive to add my modest voice and input in recognition and celebration of his life and his massive participation in the political development of our beloved country.

In his earlier career, Njie Doudu had a distinguished and successful employment with CFAO (Gambia), Total Oil Marketing Ltd (Gambia), the successor of BP Ltd and Elf Ltd, where he held the position of Chairman. As a Parliamentarian, he led the House with an exemplary leadership character, as one of the most distinguished members, as Speaker, and one of the best during our time.

I had the opportunity to work with Njie Doudu in several Boards, both as my Chairman at the State Pensions Board (now Social Security & Housing Finance Corporation) and at the NTC Ltd, where I served as Managing Director.  At the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he was the President during a difficult time of the economy when The Gambia had a programme with the World Bank known as the ERP, (Economic Recovery Programme).  We worked closely and his support and vision enabled me to perform my functions effectively and efficiently.  

I was fascinated by the initiatives he took to encourage the business sector. I say this from personal experience, not because of what happened at the domestic level, but on a wider scale, with the international business community trading with The Gambia. Njie Doudu was a remarkable and extraordinary person who had showed great care for his family.  We will have fond memories of him as a man of understanding, compassion and generosity, with a great sense of humour.  Always a humble man, he believed also in fair play and giving opportunity to all to realise their potentials to the full.

My memories begin and end with Njie Doudu the person.  He had a big heart that touched and brought warmth and love to all who knew him.  A  great person, inside and outside.  Even after his retirement, he continued to serve the community with diligence and alacrity.  He was a dedicated member of the committee of Banjul Muslim Elders where I served as Assistant Secretary.

On this sad occasion, we should pray for Njie BP, celebrate and thank Allah for his life which has been rewarding and honoured in this world and will be so in the hereafter.  In doing so, we should also admire his steadfastness and courage and the dignified manner his life ended.

This "Dej" belongs to all Gambians. Njie BP was a true gentleman and that will remain his true legacy. We pray that the Almighty Allah grants him a smooth passage to Heaven and  a  peaceful rest. Our prayers and sincere condolences go to his wives, his family, and friends in these very difficult times.

We pray that Allah, the Almighty gives the family the strength to emulate his superb religious life, and carry on his good work. May his soul rests in eternal perfect peace - Amen.
Author: by Alieu Mboge, MD GGC