UDP’s Femi Peters Speaks Out

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Reflecting on Ousman Rambo Jatta’s Ordeal

Following the recent unconditional release of the Old Bakau ward councillor, Ousman Jatta, popularly known as Rambo, from a year-long detention, Mr. Femi Peters, Campaign Manager of United Democratic Party (UDP), has expressed dismay over the councillor’s long detention, describing the move as an insult to humanity, human rights, democracy and the constitution.

Mr. Peters, who walked into our office yesterday afternoon, said: “It is rather unfortunate and sad to learn and experience that the government of The Gambia, in as much as they are custodians of the Constitution and makers of the law, are the worst law- breakers”.

According to Mr Peters, the release of Rambo has been a slap in the face of government because it followed continuous denials about his whereabouts by the National Intelligence Agency, Inspector General of Police, and the Attorney-General Chambers, only for him to be released from police custody at Sare Ngai.

“This,” he said, “follows a series of court orders for the release of Rambo Jatta and at the end of the day, he was neither brought to any court nor was he charged.”

The UDP strong man pointed out that “It must be understood that the Gambian Judiciary is not governed by laws of the jungle but by the rule of law including constitutional checks and balances under which every Gambian is entitled to certain rights.” He added that it is apparent that government has no respect for the rule of law, court orders or the Constitution.

“We believe in justice and we are entitled to justice according to the laws of this country and it should be meted out to all and sundry in terms of merit and what is right under the law and not Victor’s Justice as others would like to interprete under the laws of the country,” Mr. Peters asserted.

On rumours that he was threatened or bribed by President Jammeh during a recent meeting he had with him, the UDP bigwig said, “None of these has ever happened. If ever President Jammeh had threatened me, it must have been a joke. I will continue to speak against the government, the president, and the APRC, as that has always been my role.”

Author: By Baboucarr Senghore
Source: The Point