UDP’s Nfamara Bojang’s Case to Resume Soon

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

As Trial Continues to Be Blighted

The trial of Mr. Nfamara Bojang, who was arrested by the police in The Gambia on suspicion of being found in possession of counterfeited Gambian banknotes, will this Wednesday resume at the Brikama Magistrates’ Court.

Mr. Bojang, the UDP-sponsored candidate for Bakau constituency in the last legislative election, was arrested by law enforcement agents several days ahead of the January polls, charged and subsequently arraigned before a magistrates’ court in Western Region.

However, since the mention of his case ten months or so ago, the trial has been dragging on without any end in sight.

Meanwhile, the case resumed at the Brikama Magistrates’ Court last week but was once again deferred to November 14, following the absence of the defence counsel from court though, the prosecution and the magistrate were present.

It would be recalled that Mr. Nfamara Bojang was charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit a criminal offence and possession of falsified D50 and D100 bills, charges he denies.

Author: By Abdoulie Nyockeh
Source: The Point
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