Bakau Imamship Crisis Resolved

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A press release from the Department of State for Youth, Sports and Religious Affairs has declared that the crisis hitherto besetting the Bakau Central mosque has been resolved. The release, which spelt out the state department’s expectation from all stakeholders, equally outlined disciplinary measures for any body seen to be fomenting trouble with regard to the issue. A full text of the said release is hereunder reproduced:

The Secretary of State for Youth, Sports and Religious Affairs, Honourable Sheikh Omar Faye, and the President of the Supreme Islamic Council, Alh. Banding Drammeh, on Tuesday 29th May 2007, presided over a reconciliation meeting between the Imam of Bakau Central Mosque, Alh. Momodou Bojang and his three deputies namely Alh. Omar Jammeh, Alh. Arfang Jung Bojang and Alh. Dembo Jammeh, at the mosque premises.

Consequently, the Department of State for Youth, Sports and Religious Affairs would want to make it abundantly clear to every one that we will not condone any further prolongation of this matter particularly from those who should be seen as role models in their community. The Department of State recognises the legitimacy of the Imam of Bakau Central Mosque and his responsibility to appoint Deputies. We equally recognise the legitimacy of his deputies and therefore expect them and the members of the mosque committee to demonstrate maximum respect for the Imam and for each other.

People who are given the responsibility to lead and to promote peace among the people must not be seen to be promoting discord and disunity among their followers. Islam teaches us that the mosque belongs to Allah and nothing but the teachings of the Qur’an and the Prophet (PBUH) should be our guiding principle. The meeting which also included the Permanent Secretary Department of State for Youth, Sports & Religious Affairs, Mr. Ebou Joof, Honourable Kalifa Jammeh, Alkalo of Bakau, Mr. Luntanding Jaiteh, some elders of Bakau Central and some security personnel, resolved that the recommendations of the Supreme Islamic Council, which are as follows should be adhered to:

- The Imam Ratib of Bakau is the legitimate Imam of Bakau Central Mosque.

- The Imam Ratib is responsible for appointing deputy Imams.

- All the three deputies shall remain in their positions at the mosque.

- All the deputies shall act in the mosque according to their seniority.

- Junior deputies shall not be delegated to do any function related to the mosque in the presence of senior deputies.

- The Imam, the deputies and the mosque committee shall work hand in hand in the interest of the community.

- The full force of the law shall be applied on any one who violates these recommendations geared towards resolving the crises at the mosque.

The Department of State wishes to appeal to the people of Bakau to reconcile their differences and work together in the interest of National Development.



Source: The Point