Over D400M spent on Ocean Bay Hotel...SoS Balla Gaye

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mousa Gibril Balla Gaye, Secretary of State for Finance and Economic Affairs has disclosed that the total investment on the Ocean Bay Hotel and Resort was D400,507,000 (Four hundred million, five hundred and seven thousand dalasis).

SoS Balla Gaye was responding to a parliamentary question from Hon. Sedia Jatta, National Assembly member for Wuli West on what is the total investment on Ocean Bay Hotel and how much profit has the hotel made since its inception.

He then clearly disclosed that, the profit of the hotel to date is approximately D9,700,000 (Nine million, seven hundred thousand dalasis).

According to SoS Balla Gaye, the operation of the hotel started in 2004, and then noted that Delloite &Touche is currently auditing the hotel.


Author: Written by Alhagie Jobe
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper