National Assembly Ratifies D139 Million IDB Loan Project

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The National Assembly of the Gambia on Wednesday ratified an Islamic Development Bank loan for the participation in financing the provision of 100 water points in four divisions in The Gambia. The National Assembly ratified the loan at its second meeting in the 2007 legislative year.

The loan, amounting to 3,340 Islamic Dinar, equivalent to US$4.870 million (D139 million) will be repaid in 30 years including a 10-year grace period commencing from the date of the agreement in 40 equal and consecutive semi-annual installments as set forth in Schedule One of the agreement.

According to the Finance and Economic Affairs Secretary of State, Hon Musa Bala Gaye, who tabled the motion before the National Assembly, the objective of the project is to improve access to clean and potable water for the population in the rural areas of The Gambia. “ his will also improve sanitary conditions of the population and will result in better health. This will be achieved by providing 100 bore holes in four regions in the country namely NBR, CRR, WR and LRR,” he added.

Secy Gaye further revealed that the borrower shall pay a service fee of an initially estimated amount of 289,912 Islamic Dinar in the manner set forth in Schedule One (1b) of the agreement.

“The components of the project are civil works for the 90 bore holes equipped with hand pumps and 10 other bore holes powered by solar panel systems and comprising elevated water tanks and five networks,” Secy Gaye disclosed.

Meanwhile the 90 bore holes, according to the Secretary of State, have been signed as follows:

Five (5) in Foni Bondali, 5 in Foni Bintang, 3 in Foni Kansala, 3 in Foni  Jarrol, 1 in Kombo Central, 7 in Kombo East, 2 in Konbo South, 3 in Lower Niumi, 1 in Upper Niumi, 2 in Central Baddibu, 8 in Upper Baddibu, 2 in Lower Saloum, 4 in Upper Saloum, 4 in Nianija, 5 in Niani, 3 in Sami, 4 in Niamina Dankunku, 3 in Niamina West, 2 in Sami, 3 in Niamina  West, 2 in Niamina East, 9 in Upper Fulladu West, 4 in Fulladu East, 1 in Jarra East, 1 in Jarra Cenral, 1 in Jarra West, 1 in Kiang East, 2 in Kiang West, 1 in Kantora, 2 in Wuli, 3 in Sandu.

For the remaining 10 bore holes with pumps, the distributions is as follows: 1 in Foni Berefet, 1 in Foni Bondali, 1 in Foni Jarrol, 1 each in Niamina East and West, 1 in Lower Nuimi, 1 in Upper Baddibu, 1 in Kiang West and 2 in Fulladu East.



Author: By Abba Gibba & Baboucarr Senghore
Source: The Point