GVBA Benefits from FIVB Training Package

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The President of The Gambia Volleyball Association (GVBA), Musa Casa Taal, has said that his Association would be organising a volleyball coaching course next month.

He added that the course is slated from the 1st to 7 October 2007 at the Independence stadium in Bakau.

According to Mr Taal the course does the Federation International De Volleyball (FIVB) proudly sponsor part of the annual training package.

He further revealed that special attention would be given to the combined forces adding that this course comprises different training activities for both male and female.

He urged all clubs and other interested institutions to start registration now before end of September. “Since the instructor is coming from South Africa, we should be prepared before his arrival” he concluded.

Author: By Abdou Sallah
Source: The Point