Coach Martenez still undecided

Friday, September 7, 2007

Scorpions coach Jose Martenez says he is yet to name his final list of players for Sunday’s Nations Cup qualifier tie against Algeria, but was quick to add that he will have time to present a good team for the make-or-break encounter at the Independence Stadium, Bakau.

Speaking to Observer Sports at his Independence Stadium training ground on Wednesday evening, Martenez said: “We have a full-house camp and we continue to have successful training sessions. Though there is no actual team in place yet, I still have time to select the best out of the lot before the Sunday match.”

Asked whether he is optimistic of turning things in Gambia’s favour, Spanish Jose Martenez said: “Yes, I am. In football, it is obvious that the team that plays better always carries the day, though sometimes luck always takes its course.”

“Naturally, I am always optimistic and we will do our best to make every Gambian proud.”

Author: Written by Nanama Keita
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper