Re: Bakau club cry foul

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It’s shocking that Vidar FC were again denied to represent Bakau in the 2008 GFA Third Division qualifiers. The Bakau Sports Committee could not have had a better candidate than the dethroned Bakau league champions, who have waited longingly to represent the town in the past years.

In 2004 season, the dubious sports committee selected Sea View at the expense of Vidar due to their(committee) want for money. The following season, Vidar were again sidelined for  Katchically United before the latter crashed out at the group stage.

The deprived youth club were of full hope that come this year, it will be their’s. They were the only club training in anticipation of the tournament.

Against all odds,however, the committee rejected their application and opted for its own team that is yet to start training for a competition that is scheduled to commence this week.

Both the president, Ebrima Jallow,  and his vice-president, Bakary Paco Dampha, have failed to justify the committee’s harsh decision.

Dampha admitted Vidar were the right candidate and if that is the case why did the committee decide otherwise?

How can one hide under the name of sports development to victimise innocent football-loving youngsters.

May be E.B and Paco have forgotten that they are victimising their own brothers who have always dreamt of playing professional.

Vidar FC started as a nawettan team, but their primary objective is to play at divisional level. The players and officials have always toiled to make this dream come true. For the fact that the team have been together for the past six years says it all.

Should the youth team fail to realise this much-desired dream, then they will have every right to brand Ebrima Jallow and his dubious committee for life.

Author: by Nanama Keita