Norwegian College of Dance entertains audience

Friday, April 25, 2008

25 students, all from the Norwegian College of Dance, shocked an impressive audience with emotional feelings, at a concert that lasted for several hours. The occasion was held on Monday, at the Sinatra’s Bar and Restaurant in Bakau.

The concert, the 7th of its kind in the course of one year, was organized by education through culture and commnunication organization (ECCO), an organisation that educate and promotes African music and dance through culture. It has also been engaged in a wide range of  developmental activities, in areas of education, sports and among others. 

The concert was a joined African and Norwegian music and dance show, which  featured  Susu, Norwegian folkdance, Jazz dance, Wollof, contemporary, street dance, poetry (I am an African), Fula, as well as Acrobalance.

Author: by Sanna Jawara