GMA holds Speech and Prize Giving Ceremony

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Gambia Methodist Academy (GMA) on Friday held its 12th annual speech and prize giving ceremony, at the school ground in Bakau.

In delivering her report, Hannah Harding, principal of the school,disclosed that the 2007/2008 academic year commenced on the 17 of September 2007 with an enrollment of 683 pupils. Of the total number of registered students, she said 55% are girls.
According to her, under the Catchment Area Design System of the Department of State for Basic and Secondary Education,  they conditionally admitted 41 students from the Methodist Preparatory and Kindergarten School last September and 78 students from other schools were also granted admission after successfully sitting to an entrance exam.

At the senior school, she added, 121 students were enrolled into grade 10 in September 2007, to pursue courses in Science, Business Studies and Arts.  These students obtained aggregate 14 and better in the May/June 2007 GABECE, she oulined with a satisfactory mood.

She further noted that about 109 candidates sat to the May/June 2007 WASSCE and their choice of subjects came from twenty four disciplines, noting, of these 24. As a result, the school recorded a hundred percent credit passes in 10 of them, of the fourteen remaining subjects, only Maths and Chemistry had below 50% credit passes. ‘‘In 2006, 78.8% of our students had credit passes in 6 or more subjects.  In 2007, had credit passes in 6 or more subjects. We eagerly look forward to recording a 100% credit passes in at least 70% of the subjects offered”, she hinted.

For her part, Mariatou Ceesay, head girl of the school, thanked God for witnessing yet another Speech Day. She therforethanked the Methodist Mission  for establishing this great institution that continues to have a positive impact on the educationnal sector. She also thanked the parents, guardians and sponsors for their care and energy and the teachers for their love, patience, care, dedication.

Author: by Assanatou Bojang