Franco-Gambian partnership praised

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
On 14 July, Mrs Danielle Robin, the French Chargé d’Affaires to The Gambia, hosted a solemn reception at her residence at Cape Point, Bakau, in observance of the French National Day.

The Bastille Day was attended by government officials, members of the National Assembly, diplomats, French and other nationals.

The occasion did not only present an opportunity to promote the French heritage and culture, but also to promote the ties between Banjul and Paris.

Speaking on behalf of Ambassador Jean Christophe Rufin, French plenipotentiary to The Gambia resident in Dakar, Danielle Robin spoke of the significance of the day.

‘‘The fourteenth of July has been chosen as French National Day, in remembrance of the fourteenth of July 1789, when the prison of the Bastille was taken by the people. It has since become a historical landmark, an emblematic date of the Revolution which decided the future of France and changed the face of Europe and the world,’’ she explained in a poignant tone.

Elaborating on the Gambia/France relationship, the French Chargé d’Affaires noted that the year 2008 constitutes the tenth anniversary of the cooperation between The Gambia and France. As such, she pointed out that the recent agreement for funding, signed in April 2008 by Musa Bala Gaye, the secretary of state for Finance and Economic Affairs and Ambassador Jean Christophe Rufin, is in line with the previous projects initiated during the past years.

‘‘Our support in the various fields of development of The Gambia and her youth remains at the heart of our partnership programmes,’’ she said, while thanking the guests for honouring the invitation.

Author: by Abdoulie John