UDP Campaign Manager’s case suffers setback

Monday, November 5, 2007

The ongoing criminal case against UDP Campaign Manager for Serrekunda Central, Lamin Cham, who was alleged for obstructing an IEC Presiding Officer in last year’s National Assembly elections on Tuesday 30, 2007 suffered another set back.

On the last adjourned date, the defendant (Lamin) and his Counsel were not present in the court. Consequently, the case could not continue.  

Similarly on Tuesday, the case could not proceed and was re-scheduled for 26 November as the Presiding Magistrate Buba Jawo was not in court.

According to the particulars of the offence, Mr Cham obstructed one Baboucarr Jabbie, an IEC Presiding Officer for Bundung Borehole Polling Station (33) during last year’s National Assembly Elections.

On count two, Lamin Cham was charged for acting in a manner that breached the peace of the place on the election day.

Author: by Salifu M.Touray