Drug peddler sentenced

Monday, November 5, 2007

Magistrate EF of the Brikama Magistrates’ Court on Thursday convicted and fined one Bubacarr King to pay a sum of D250,000, in default to serve three years jail.

Mr King was dragged to court in January, after he was found in possession   of 360 grammes of cannabis, a prohibited drug at Ebo Town by the Police Intervention Unit

Mr King has pleaded not guilty when the charge was previously read to him.

However, when Mr King was found guilty, in his mitigation, begged the court to exercise mercy on him.

In handing down his verdict, Magistrate M’bai in pursuant of section 35(1) of the Drug Control Act 2003 convicted and fined Mr King D250,000 indefault to serve three years in prison.

He also ordered that the said cannabis be destroyed.

Author: by Amadou Jallow