Another plus for the health sector

Friday, December 28, 2007
The British couple Paul and Carole Thorn recently donated materials worth one million Dalasis to the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital, Banjul. Several philantropists, organisations and other friends of The Gambia have also contributed in the health sector, which is among the priorities of President Jammeh.

On Wednesday, December 12, 2007, the British couple as part of a series of donations this year, donated medical items to the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH) at a ceremony held at the Department of Medical and Health Services in Banjul.

The donated items included beds, matresses, wheel chairs as well as toys for the children admitted at the RVTH.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Malick Njie secretary of state for Health and Social Welfare thanked the donors for their support and described the donation as a noble gesture,  which will boost the health sector.

Dr Njie appealed to the donors to help his department in identifying the needed equipment. He further assured the donors of president Jammeh’s commitment to the health sector and reaffirmed his comittment to work with people who are willing to uplift and promote the health sector. He called on other organisations to emulate Mr and Mrs Throne.

Dr Tamsir Mbowe, chief executive director of the Medical and Health Services welcomed the gesture, describing it as a good initiative which is in line with vision the 2020 blueprint of meeting the health needs of Gambians.

Dr Mbowe assured the donors that the items will be put into good use and will reach the intended beneficiaries.

For their part, Mr and Mrs Thorn expressed delight in associating with the health and education sectors of The Gambia.

According to Mr Thorn, some of the donated items are not needed in the Uk. They therefore,  gathered and shipped them to The Gambia where they can be useful.

Mr Thorn also assured of their collaboration with the Scot-Gam Charitable Organisation, through Pa Ebrima Faye, and pledged the organisation’s support to the various security post throughout the country by giving them some computer accessories to facilitate their work.

The ceremony was attended by staff of the RVTH and the Medical Services.

Author: by Musa Ndow