Soroptimist Federation meets VP, Speaker

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The Soroptimist International Federation of Banjul yesterday called on the Vice President, Dr Aja Isatou Njie-Saidy, who also doubles as the Secretary of State for Women’s Affairs at her office at State House in Banjul.

The courtesy call was part of a follow-up activities scheduled to celebrate 20 years anniversary of the Federation which coincided with this year’s International Women’s Day. Receiving the delegation, Vice President Njie-Saidy commended Soroptimist for their ‘positive’ achievements internationally, by offering unselfish services to the society and applauded them for the inclusion of the young people in the federation. She said the federation has in the past encountered a lot of criticism; nonetheless it has made a difference by virtue of their contributions to national development.

Veep Njie-Saidy then urged the Soroptimist to patner with other organisation in order to involve rural women in some of their activities.

In a similar development, the federation on Monday, March 12, also paid a courtesy call on the Speaker of the National Assembly, Honourable Fatoumata Jahumpa-Ceesay, at her office at the National Assembly Building in Banjul.

Speaking at the occasion, Honourable Speaker Fatoumata Jahumpa-Ceesay congratulated the federation for the 20th anniversary and applauded them for their ‘immense’ contribution to women empowerment, especially in poverty alleviation.

Speaker Jahumpa-Ceesay, said ‘The Gambia is a very lucky country for we have a President who has passion for women and high hope on them”. “President Jammeh has uplifted the respect and status of women in this country and the world at large” she said.

She revealed that The Gambia has signed many conventions and protocols on women that are compatible with the culture and tradition of the country. “The Gambia is going to have a Women’s Bill, which is to be tabled in the National Assembly soon, by Vice- President and Secretary of State for Women Affairs.”

For her part, Mrs. Jane Clement, one of the founding members of the federation, thanked the Vice President and the Speaker for receiving them, despite their busy schedules. She added that their mission was meant to collaborate with the government and other women organisation with regards to women issues.

She said that the federation will continue to positively contribute their quota to the advancement of women, and then commended the government for the bold steps it has undertaken in the empowerment of Gambian women.

Other speakers also included the President of Soroptomist International of Great Britain and Ireland, Hilary-Kay Young and Mrs. Yvonne Jones, President of Banjul Federation, both of whom expressed similar sentiments.

In another development, Soroptimist International of Banjul also donated items to the Soroptimist sponsored ward at the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital, and also visited Sukuta Upper School, where they met with the parents of students under the federation’s sponsorship.
Author: Written by Saffiatou Bah
Source: The Daily Observer
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