Two Prosecution Witnesses Testify in William West Murder

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Adora Meure and Gibril Wane, both prosecution witnesses, yesterday testified before Justice Yeboah at the Banjul High Court.

In her evidence-in-Chief on resumption of the case, Adora Meure told the court that the accused, Kate Atori-West together with her brother, Tony visited her after six years since she last saw Kate Atori-West. Adora said the visit was a surprise to her, adding that the accused joined her and her children on Sunday to go to the pool at Sun Beach.

According to Adora Meure, Kate afterwards said she wanted to do her hair, and they left the pool for the salon.
After that Kate expressed her desire to stay because she said her husband’s brothers were on visit from England and are staying at Bijilo.

“She then spent the night with me and left on Monday morning. She returned to Bijilo, but she said her husband had bought a house for her at Sanyang and two others in Nigeria,” Adora explained.
Adora said that Kate one day was on a visit to her compound when two men came looking for her. “Kate jumped over the fence,” Adora said.

Adora further said that she was then taken to the Kairaba Police Station until the next day and later taken to the Major Crime Unit where she made a statement before being released.
In his evidence, PW2 Gibril Wane, a gardener, told the court that he worked for the complainant for the past three years.
During cross-examination, the defence counsel, Mr. Lamin Camara, asked Adora when she first saw Kate.

In her reply, Adora said on a Saturday. Lawyer Camara asked if she remembered the day Kate entered her house. Adora answered in the negative.
At that juncture the case was adjourned to the 23 May 2007 for continuation.

Author: By Augustine Kanjia & Abdoulie Nyockeh
Source: The Point