Treason Trial - Alieu Jobe’s Sister-in-law Testifies

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

One Binta Kuyateh, a supposed in-law to the 6th accused person, Alieu Jobe, in the ongoing treason trial, yesterday appeared before Justice Anin-Yeboah as hearing continues into the accused’s cautionary statement.

In her testimony Binta Kuyateh stated that she lived in Fajikunda and was unemployed. She added that she was residing at Alieu Jobe’s compound together with her older sister’s children. She adduced that she is of the same mother and father with Alieu Jobe’s wife. At that point she identified the 6th accused in court, affirming that he was currently in detention at the Mile 2 prison.

Continuing her testimony, Binta told the court that it was in the month of April when someone she had never seen before came to the accused’s compound. According to her the stranger told her that the accused was in need of some clothes, but was quick to add that she could not describe the man because it was during the night. She also told the court that the man did not identify himself, revealing that she was scared when the man mentioned the name of Alieu Jobe. She added that she nevertheless managed to give the man a pair of green trousers and a white T-shirt for the accused.

Further testifying, Binta informed the court that since Alieu Jobe was arrested, she had not known his whereabouts until the time the man appeared in their compound. She then identified the said T-shirt in court, before informing the court that at the time she was giving the T-Shirt to the man, it was clean and ironed and not in the dirty state in which she saw it in court. "When I visited Alieu Jobe at Mile 2," the witness went on, "I asked him whether he ever sent anyone to collect any clothes for him and he responded in the positive."

Under cross-examination by DPP, defence witness said that she could not remember how long she had stayed in Alieu Jobe’s compound. She also stated that she was not present when Alieu Jobe was arrested and that it was three days after the arrest that the man came to collect Mr. Jobe’s clothes. She also told the court that she did not frequently visit Alieu Jobe and that she could not also remember how many times she had taken clothes for him to change.

Hearing has been adjourned to Wednesday 18 July.

Author: By Modou Sanyang
Source: The Point