21 graduates at State Guards Computer Training Centre

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

At least 21 course participants drawn from the Army, National Intelligence Agency (NIA), Gambia Immigration Department and civilians, yesterday graduated at the State Guards Computer Training Centre, at a ceremony held at State House in Banjul.

The training curriculum constituted Microsoft Disc Operating System, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, File Management and Internet.

In her keynote address, Neneh Macdouall-Gaye, Secretary of State for Communication and Information Technology said, this remarkable venture spearheaded by President Jammeh is in line with her Department’s National Information and Communication Policy (NICI), which among other things is to address the inadequate resource base of The Gambian Population, to fully enjoy and realise the benefits of  ICTs.

According to her, Information Technology training particularly in the use of computers, is phenomenal in all disciplines. She added that, Information Technology is the driving force of global development and virtually all sectors of the national economy attracts a significant component of IT for effective and efficient performances.

“There is a common saying that without peace and security, development objectives cannot be attained. Therefore building IT in the Army and Security Services, will enhance your capacities to integrate in the modern information society and to honour your various duties with efficiency,” SoS Gaye told security officers.

She urged the course participants to utilise the skills gained to scale up their performances at work and further challenged them to explore more IT applications for better service delivery and higher productivity.

She commended President Jammeh for the special interest he has in initiating, facilitating and creating the enabling environment to increase ICT penetration in The Gambian National Army and the Security Services.

SoS Gaye at the ceremony, also presented three brand new computers to the State Guards Computer Training Centre, to boost their training.

Deputising for the Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. Col. Peter Singhateh, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff of The Gambia Armed Forces, said over 412 course participants have underwent training in this computer training centre since its inception five years ago. He noted that, the skills acquired will help to build the foundation of further studies in IT.  He advised the course participants to utilise the knowledge gained and share their experiences with their colleagues.

Deputy CDS Singhateh also commended President Jammeh for this wonderful initiative to boost their morals.

For his part, Major Sering Modou Njie, Commander at State Guards, thanked Quantum Associates and Airtip for their efforts in ensuring that the Computer training centre is viable.

According to the State Guards Commander, this batch is the 7th intake participants at the centre.  He revealed that the 21 graduand registered 5 distinctions, 8 credits, and 8 passes in the following modules; MS Word, Excel, Power-point, Access, File Management, Internet opertion etc.

Major Njie commended President Jammeh for initiating and supporting this noble course.  He then advised the officers to maintain discipline and utilise their knowledge and experience.

Gibril Jibbi Chorr, Managing Director of Quantum Associates, promised to continue supporting the centre, noting that it is in line with national Development and the development of IT in The Gambia. 

He congratulated the graduands and advised them to make the best use of the centre.

Cpl Sama, Training Instructor at the State Guards Computer Training Centre, also expressed similar sentiments and expressed delight on the magnificent supports they received from the President, CDS Tamba, Major Njie, State Guard Commander, SoS Macdouall Gaye, Quantum Associates and Airtip.

At the end of the ceremony, graduands were awarded certificates. 

Mariama Saho, a participant delivered the vote of thanks.

Author: Written by Assan Sallah
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper
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