Assembly resumes sittings today

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The third sitting of the National Assembly for the 2007 Legislative Year resumes today, at the Assembly Chambers in Banjul, according to reports from the Office of the Speaker of the National Assembly.

In a news release issued last Friday stated that, during the course of the 11-day deliberation, the sitting will start with the amendment of the Competition Bill 2007 and the Labour Bill 2007, after a communication (activities) by the chairpersons of the select committees.

On Tuesday 4th September, the NAMs are expected to amend the Fisheries Bill 2007 and the Telecommunication Bill 2007. “During Wednesday’s proceedings, the House is also expected to ratify the third Public Works and Capacity Building (Gamworks) and the Street Lighting Projects respectively. This will be followed by the amendment of the Income and Sales Tax (amendment) Bill 2007,” the report indicated.

Thursday’s session will start with another amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia 1997 (amendment) Bill 2007 and the Trafficking in Person Bill.

The Office of the Speaker revealed that, the Assembly will also lay papers and reports to be followed by the amendment to the National Roads Authority (amendment) Bill 2007. “Then on Tuesday, September 11th, the proceedings will kick-start with a question and answer session, which will be followed by the amendment to the Lands Commission Bill, 2007 and the Anti-Doping Bill 2007. On Wednesday 12th September, the House will begin the motion on the adjournment to be completed on Thursday, 13th September, 2007 before the House adjourned sin-die”.

The Office of the Speaker therefore announced that limited seats are in the public gallery and members of the general public, diplomatic and consular corps, NGOs, civil societies and the media, who may wish to attend the proceedings, can do so upon application through the Office of the Clerk, adding that applications will be considered on first-come-first serve basis.

Author: Written by Alhagie Jobe
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper