Drug pedlar in hot soup

Monday, November 19, 2007

Senior Magistrate EF M’Bai of the Brikama Magistrates’ Court, on Thursday, handed  down a heavy  fine of D250,000 or a three-year jail term to one Cherno Sarr.

This came after the defendant had pleaded guilty to charges of drug trafficking.
Narrating the facts before the court, NCA (1) Jobe, a prosecutor at the National Drug Enforcement Agency, said that the incident occurred on October 24, 2007, when his men were on a beach patrol at the Barra beach side.

“Upon arrival at the beach,” he said, “the officers saw the accused carrying something. He was approached and asked to  identify himself”.
Mr Jobe said the officers then told the accused that they would like to conduct a search on him. He told the court that the search was subsequently carried out and a bundle of cannabis was discovered in his bag, leading to his arrest.

 He added that on October 29, 2007, the said substance was weighed by Alasana Jallow, a narcotic officer, and found to be 1kg. From there, Jobe continued, drug samples were taken to the National Drug Control office where an analytical report was prepared on the 1st of November. The said report was tendered as an exhibit.

In his plea of mitigation, the accused, Cherno Sarr, asked the court to exercise mercy, pointing out that he was a honest and credible offender.
But the magistrate went ahead to hand down the sentence and also ordered the National Drug Enforcement Agency to destroy the drugs.

Author: Written by Amadou Jallow
Source: The Daily Observer
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