Alleged Rapist Exonerated

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Brikama man, who was undergoing trial since February of this year for allegedly raping a teenager, yesterday walked out of the court a free man.

The Brikama Magistrates’ Court last Tuesday exonerated Max Pierre from the allegation of defiling an 18-year-old girl of Brikama in Western Region.

When the case was initially mentioned, Max Pierre denied the charge and as a result, the prosecution called four witnesses to prove the ingredients of the matter beyond reasonable doubt. However, based on the facts adduced before him by the four witnesses, magistrate Edrisa Mbai could not be convinced that Max indeed had a carnal knowledge of the teenager. He pointed out that the medical certificate that was tendered in court and admitted as a piece of evidence did not show anything to convince the court that the girl was raped and therefore acquitted Max of the charge and discharged him.


Author: By Yai Dibba & Abdoulie Nyockeh
Source: The Point