Dutchman convicted for sedition

Monday, May 4, 2009
The Brikama Magistrates Court presided over by Principal Magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh, recently convicted a Dutchman and sentenced him to a fine of D10,000, in default to serve 2 months imprisonment.

Rene Beulen was charged with sedition, which he initially denied. However, he was later convicted upon his own plea of guilt. The court further ordered his deportation as soon as he pays the fine or serves the sentence.

According to the facts of the case, on March 28, in Brufut, Rene uttered uncouth words against the democratically elected president of the Republic of The Gambia, Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya AJJ Jammeh and the Gambia Police Force, leading to his arrest.

Author: by Modou Kanteh