SoS Macdoull-Gaye launches OKI Printer

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mrs. Neneh Macdoull Gaye, Secretary of State for Communications, Information and Technology, on Wednesday officially launched Netcom’s OKI Printer, at a colourful ceremony held at Sheraton Hotel in Brufut.

In her launch statement, SoS Gaye described the new OKI Printer as another milestone in private sector participation in nation-building. This achievement, she said, is in line with the vision of President Jammeh as clearly spelt out in Vision 2020 and the National Information and Communication Infrastructure (NICI) policy. 

According to SoS Gaye, the introduction of such a sophisticated technology will help in the revolutionisation of printing in the country. This, she added, will also meet printing needs for companies, who sometimes travel outside for certain sophisticated printing services.  “Such initiatives and participation by the private sector is the key in achieving the NICI’s goal of the sub-region. Our strategic location, conducive environment and youth population make The Gambia an ideal place for investment. And I am happy that the likes of Netcom are taking advantage at this”, she noted.

While commending Netcom for the laudable venture, SoS Gaye, encouraged other sister companies in the country to emulate them by bringing in cut-edging technology to the country in a bid to reduce the dependence on certain outside services. She then assured of her department’s willingness to help facilitate the efforts of companies, who wish to contribute to achieving the Silicon Valley as pronounced by President Jammeh, as well as their aim to become the ICT hub for the sub-region.

Speaking earlier Steve Ratcliffe, Business Manager for Africa, said OKI has been existing for over 125 years, initially developing the first telephone in Japan. He revealed that OKI employs over 21,000 people worldwide and has a turn-over of $6 billion, while some 800,000 printers are being sold every year. 

According to him, OKI designs and manufactures its own printers, which makes it possible to have full control over its direction and product development, unlike some of the other leading printing companies, who are mainly dependent on other manufacturers to produce and develop printers for them.
He then assured that, the facility has the stuff to produce reliable and quality products for all printing needs. “It is against this background that OKI is positively moving into the markets of the sub-Sahara Africa,” he concluded.

Other speakers included Partrick Struckman, Managing Director of NETCOM, Cecillia Senghore, both of whom expressed similar sentiment.
At the end of the ceremony, one Ebrima B. Jarju of NAWEC, who won the raffle draw was presented with a new OKI printer.


Author: Written by Hatab Fadera
Source: The Daily Observer Newspaper