Illegal Fuel Dealers Sentenced

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The men who were arrested in a police raid for illegally dealing in petroleum and petroleum products were last Thursday convicted and sentenced by the Bundung Magistrates’ Court chaired by Amina Saho-Ceesay.

Demba Sallah was arrested on 15 April 2007, in Nema Kunku village where he was found in possession of 160 litres of gas oil and 40 litres of Kerosene whilst Gibriel Touray was arrested in May of the same year and in possession of 1,200 litres of petrol.

They pleaded guilty to the charges preferred against them and were each sentenced to pay a fine of D5000 in default to serve twelve months in jail.


Author: By Njie Baldeh
Source: The Point